Paypal is not one of the most popular global payment gateway but THE most popular payment gateway. With a userbase of 218 million users and growing paypal is one form of payment that is you absolutely need to have on your ecommerce site. ONe of the primary reasons for paypals popularity is that paypal has built a very strong trust with its customer and customers feel more comfortable paying via paypal due to this. In one of studies it was found that Adding paypal as payment gateway increased sales by 18 to 25% and reduced abandoned cart by 35-40%.

Paypals mobile apps SDK is very easy for developer to integrate. Please note that paypal older mobile sdk has been discontinued and now for mobile paypal provides Briantree Direct SDK.

To create Mobile SDK follow the below instructions. As prerequisite you need to have a business account with paypal.

(1) Go to

(2) Click on your profile and then go to Dashboard

(3) On dashboard look for REST API – Once you locate it go to REST API section. Here click on CREATE APP

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paypal mobile sdk – braintreeexpress.png

(4) It will give you option for App Name – Write an App Name that you can use to identify your app – suggested would be your website name. Also select the email id that you want to use for this app(if you have multiple emails associated with the account).

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paypal mobile sdk – braintreeexpress1

(5) When you click on Create App your id’s will be created. You can see them below. Plz note that in top righthand corner is the option to change the id to Live and Sandbox.

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paypal mobile sdk – braintreeexpress2